14 August 2008

nick and nora [sic]

was i the only person who was just a little bit flabbergasted to hear bishop allen's 'middle management' as the trailer song to the new michael cera movie, nick and norah's infinite playlist? i mean, it wouldn't have been that bad except for the fact that the movie looks positively wretched. and... bishop allen was my band. my found-them-on-the-blogs-in-2004. when you ain't no picasso was still on blogger and didn't have a hideous redesign. jesus, i pre-ordered the broken string. i netflixed mutual appreciation; not the masterpiece of mumblecore. actually, that masterpiece has not yet appeared, but who's counting. and now, they are a trailer band...?!!

in other news, grills are like "really shiny, expensive retainers." will you marry me? seriously, i mean it.

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