24 August 2008

cray cray

(c) m.c. g. zipprich.

Anyways, this week is going to be a mess. Let's assess: Monday is low key, sandwiches in Astoria and shopping for Things I Need For Italy. Tuesday, Jenny comes to town !!!! We hang out and do things like watch Rushmore at McCarren and eat barbecue on rooftops. Thursday morning at probably the asscrack of dawn, me, Jenny, and my mom haul ass back to Connecticut, where I have a doctor's appointment. I sit in my room and fume silently as the next two days are consumed by neverending packing. Saturday the entire fam packs up for Brooklyn where we send Jenny off to the airport on Sunday and me off on Monday.

Some days I think the universe is playing one huge celestial joke, my life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you know when you take people's phrases and popularize them? then you feel a little bad when you get credit? am i the only one that does this? because i must admit i heard another wellesley student use cray cray first. i like it so i popularized it. anyway it's wack-sauce that you are leaving me.

take pictures and bring me presents!

much love, mc